I have delayed in sharing this awesome information here on this blog up until now, but I can't not share it anymore! ;)
One of the reasons I have been a little absent from blogging lately is because I have been incredibly blessed to be busy enriching families' lives with beautiful, educational Usborne Books. I have been selling them for over a year and have made good money, met lots of wonderful families, and introduced and allowed these books to go into the hands of hundreds of children and schools.
The books shown above are part of this month's promotion that ends on Monday, September 27th at NOON! You can start your own business just in time for the rockin' fall selling season for just $50!!! To check out more information, you can see the Game Time Kit specifics here or go to my website and look around. Awesome opportunity with an awesome company with awesome products! Win-Win-Win! (or email me for more info - chadandlaurabeth(at)yahoo(dot)com.)
Oh, and did I mention that I paid for a trip to Disney last fall just from September to December doing a "stay-at-home" side job? :)